
Hackathon: Gamification in Schools

Grab the chance for European recognition

15 – 17 November 2024


DigiHub, Telerik Academy, BSU and ICT cluster in Burgas, supported by Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) are organizing a hackathon on the topic “Gamification in schools”.

The competition is part of DigiEduHack, an EU initiative that aims to foster local innovation, collaboration and creativity, and drive positive change in digital education. The competition will be held together with 41 other hackathons across Europe.

Seize the chance to be among the best in Europe.

Register a team to participate
in the hackathon


Develop your idea in the period November 15-17


Present your idea to the jury and upload a summary to the initiative’s website

The winning teams from each country will have the chance to compete against each other, and the finalist will be determined by public vote. See more here: https://digieduhack.com/awards.


Goal of the hackathon: The main goal of the hackathon is prototyping practical solutions for gamification in Bulgarian schools.
The teams are tasked with proposing easy-to-implement tools/solutions that schools can use for more interactive and effective learning. The long-term goal is to improve student engagement both in class and online.

Eligible candidates and entry criteria:

  • Students – grades 8-12
  • Students from all majors
  • Digital education enthusiasts
  • Junior IT specialists

Eligible participants are teams between 2 and 5 people. It is mandatory that at least one person on the team has programming knowledge, regardless of the level and experience in the field of software development. At least one of the participants must be fluent in English. Team registration is done through the official DigiEduHack platform: https://digieduhack.com/challenges/gamification-in-schools.


Hackathon Rules:
  • Participants can choose under which license their code will be under during the hackathon – a free license is recommended.
  • Work on the projects started with the start of the hackathon. Participation with completely or partially ready ideas is not allowed.
  • Apps that are not finished and do not have working functionality are also presented on the final day and evaluated for their potential and the problem they solve.
Evaluation criteria:
  • Evaluation of the idea
  • Working functionality of the application
  • Method of implementation, quality of program code and chosen approach
  • User Interface
First day (15.11.2024)
Second day (16.11.2024)
Third day (17.11.2024)
15:30 – 16:00
Opening the event and introducing the rules.
Moderator Stoyan Uzunov, Principal Engineer, Commerzbank
16:00 – 17:00
"Gamification in Education"
Guest lecturer Stanko Yanev, Vocational High School of Electrical Engineering and Electronics "Konstantin Fotinov Burgas"
17:00 – 19:00
Forming the teams and starting work on projects
09:30 – 12:30
Teamwork on projects
12:30 – 14:00
Lunch break
14:00 – 15:00
"Enligh Language Teaching adventures in Minecraft"
Guest speakers Tatiana Shurelova and Bozhidar Bozhkov, English Language High School "Geo Milev" Burgas
15:00 – 19:00
Mentoring sessions and project work
09:30 – 12:30
Teamwork on projects
12:30 – 13:30
Lunch break
13:30 – 15:30
Final presentation of the projects to the jury
15:30 – 16:00
Evaluation by the jury
Awarding the winners
Moderator Stoyan Uzunov, Principal Engineer, Commerzbank