DigiEduHack 2024 in Burgas: Gamification in schools

[ 24.10.2024 ]

DigiHub, Teleric Academy, ICT Cluster Burgas, Burgas Free University and Central Park join forces to organize a hackathon themed “Gamification in schools”, which will be held in the period November 15-17, 2024 in Central Park, Burgas. The event is part of the European initiative DigiEduHack of the European Commission, which aims to foster innovation, collaboration and creativity in digital education.

This year, DigiEduHack will cover 41 hackathons across Europe, and Bulgaria is participating for the first time as a host. Within three days, teams of 2 to 5 participants will compete, developing solutions for implementing game methods in schools. The winners will have the opportunity to compete with the best teams in Europe.

Event Purpose

The hackathon focuses on prototyping solutions to make the learning process more engaging and effective. Participants are expected to come up with easy-to-implement tools and ideas to facilitate gamification in schools and improve learning both in the classroom and online.

Who can participate?

Participation is open to students, students and junior programmers with an interest in gamification and digital education. An important team requirement is that at least one member has programming knowledge.

Why get involved?

  • Sponsorship: Support the event and show your commitment to digital education.
  • Part of the jury: Become part of the jury and help evaluate the best projects.
  • Mentoring: Support participants with guidance and expert advice during the hackathon.
  • Rewards: Provide rewards for the best teams.

Full rules for participation and additional information can be found at https://digihub.bg/digieduhack-bulgaria/
Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of a significant event for the future of digital education!